Holy Days and Holy People...This week on Monday we celebrate one of my favorite feast days, “All Saints.” This is a celebration of one of our core Catholic doctrines ‘the Communion of Saints.’ This biblical teaching is based on our belief that there is an intimate ‘communion’ between the saints in heaven and us ‘saints’ here on earth. While we rarely think of ourselves as ‘saints,’ we are united...READ MORE
Most people you see every day feel like something is missing in their lives. Welcome will help you discover what that something is—and what to do about it. Come to the next Welcome Weekend! It’s an incredible experience that will help you discover what’s missing in your life and what to do about it. This is a weekend to enjoy the fellowship of other St. Clare parishioners, great food and fun...READ MORE
Grief Support Group - Wednesday, November 17 - 2:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall and 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 3. Hope for the Journey is for anyone that has experienced the loss of a loved one, recent or not. We meet for prayer, suggested reading, encouragement and to walk this journey with you... READ MORE
The Sacredness of Human Life - I am so grateful for our parishioners who are active in our “Respect Life Ministry,” led by Mary Fleming. Of course, we are all part of promoting the value of each human life, so thanks for the way you ‘choose life’ in your own ways –having children, caring for a family member with a disability, caring for an aging person, loving a teenager who tests your limits. It was great to be a part...READ MORE
Please join other St. Clare Catholic men for our initial meeting to grow in prayer, fellowship and spiritual nourishment on Saturday, 30 October from 8:00-9:30AM, in Room #3. If interested, we will say the Rosary prior to the meeting at 730 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel...READ MORE
How to Add Prayer Time… You hear me often in my homilies preach about the need to “make time” for prayer on a daily basis. It takes a couple weeks of ‘practice’ to make it daily habit but once you do, one can sort of get ‘addicted’ to the peace that God wants to give us when we spend time with him. If finding time and a quiet place at home is difficult, consider these options:...READ MORE
Holy Arts Sale - Oct 16 & 17 after each Mass. Holy Arts will be visiting our parish on behalf of the Christian families in Bethlehem, Palestine. Their mission is to support those families in the Holy Land. When Holy Arts visits our Parish, they will have hand-carved nativity sets, statues, crosses, and many other pieces of beautiful olive wood art. They accept cash, checks, and all major Credit Cards.
Your Generosity Makes a Difference! I enjoy listening to a good number of visitors who join us for Mass each weekend, who are either passing through or looking for a new parish. A couple of things they compliment us about usually center around our prayerful liturgies, the number of young people present, and how vibrant the parish appears. I always respond with “Praise God!” and “yes, we have such generous parishioners!”...READ MORE
Experience Pietra Fitness®... A fitness class that stretches, strengthens and tones the body while refreshing the soul with prayer. In only one hour you will feel calmer, stronger, refreshed and renewed! Pietra (meaning “rock” in Italian) is a word that reminds us of the importance of a solid foundation when building anything that is to have strength, stability, and ...READ MORE
DISCOVER HOW TO DRAW OUR YOUNG ADULTS BACK TO THE CHURCH Join us for a St. Clare Young Adult Initiative “How To” Series to help parents, family members, ministry leaders and parishioners better engage with, accompany and bring young adults home. It’s time! Session dates and times are..READ MORE
Baptism Prep Class Sunday, October 10 at 1:30 p.m. Meeting Room 3 For parents who have not attended a Baptism Class at St. Clare and wish to have their child baptized here. Please call the parish office at 618-632-3562 if you plan to attend or have questions.
Celebrating Parishioners Generosity… The wonderful success of Oktoberfest last weekend demonstrates the great generosity of our parishioners and the bountiful graces from God. Our Poor Clare Nuns pray daily for us but especially for our Oktoberfest success and favorable weather…and once again we witnessed the power of their prayers! Their spiritual ‘boost’ and the hard work ...READ MORE
October is Respect Life Month. Here’s how you can participate: October 2 and 3: Grab a baby bottle to fill with your donation for Mosaic Pregnancy Center. Sign up to pray outside Planned Parenthood for an hour on one or both of our parish Adopt-a-days for the 40 Days for Life Campaign...READ MORE