In my daily morning prayer, after various psalms, scriptures, and prayers, I always take silent time simply to sit in quiet gratitude. While I can count endless things/persons for which to be grateful, I simply let gratitude flow out of my heart to God for the blessings too numerous to name.
Just to name a few things in my heart that keep me extra grateful this year:
+ You, my parish family. You truly are my family in Christ, and I thank God for you in the ways you show me God’s Love and how you are so faithful to our parish and Jesus’ Gospel.
+ Our parish staff – this team of faithful servants does so much to keep our parish running well.
+ Your generosity – the way so many of you give generously truly makes a difference for our parish family!
+ Our youth –so many high school students are taking on more leadership roles in the parish, active in prayer groups, and serving at Mass.
Every Mass is our ultimate Prayer of Thanksgiving. Let us celebrate each Eucharist with an ever-greater appreciation for this gift from God.