Lent is a great time for us to generously support our diocese and its ministries through the CSMA (Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal). Since many of the diocesan ministries directly support the poor, the unborn, the imprisoned, and so many others in need, think of your generous donation as part of your ALMSGIVING goal of giving to those in need to which Jesus calls us.
We need some very generous donations to meet our goal of $54,992, but all gifts are greatly appreciated. Since $24,000 has already been pledged (thank you!), to break down the other $30K could look like this:
20 - $1,000 gifts (we can do this)
20 - $500 gifts (level I choose)
20 - $100 gifts
Making a pledge/donation to the diocese reminds us that as Catholics, we belong to the ‘bigger Church’ that includes all of Southern Illinois and the Universal Catholic Church of the world. Thanks for taking up my challenge to choose one of the three categories above…and let’s celebrate meeting our appeal goal early! If you lost your envelope mailed to your home, there are extras on the center table in the Gathering Space or you can donate online at diobelle.org/giving.