March 2
“Lenten Spirituality & Practices” ~ Presented by Fr. Augustine Wetta, OSB
Fr. Augustine is a Benedictine monk, vocations director for St. Louis Abbey, high school teacher, rugby coach, and author of “The Eighth Arrow” and “Humility Rules.”
March 9
“Holy Thursday & the Mass of the Lord’s Supper” ~ Stephen Eros, Director of Music & Liturgy
March 16
“Good Friday & the Passion of the Lord” ~ Deacon Nick Fleming
Deacon Nick Fleming will be ordained this Pentecost as a priest for the Diocese of Belleville.
March 23
“Spirituality of Holy Saturday: Being at the Tomb” ~ Matt Flynn, Director of Adult Faith Formation & Mission
“Easter Season Spirituality and Practices” ~ Fr. Jim Deiters, Pastor