Friday, February 21, 2025
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Trivia begins at 7:00 pm.
St. Clare Church Fellowship Hall
Admission is $5/children (5-12) and $10/adult (13-99)
Teams limited to 8 players. Questions are family friendly.
Cash prizes for 1st and 2nd place.
Join in on Heads or Tails, 50/50, and Cardinal Baseball ticket drawing.
Beer/Wine/Soda available for a donation. Bring your own food.
Free babysitting available. Proceeds benefit St. Anne Cradle of Hope.
The Messenger Subscription Renewal
** Our envelope printing company did not update the current prices for The Messenger. Costs: Print - $40; Electronic - $35; Both - $45. **
You may go directly to
Please stay connected to our diocese through a subscription to The Messenger Catholic Newspaper. Payments can be made in The Messenger envelope in your monthly packet, please use the updated prices listed above. Make sure to include your email address if selecting digital subscription.
Please join other St. Clare men in prayer, fellowship and spiritual nourishment on Saturday, 8 February, from 8-10 AM, in the Fellowship Hall. If interested, we pray the Rosary at 730 AM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
This month Russ Arsaga will provide an apologetics presentation on Reconciliation.
Italian will be the main course and Barbara K will entertain us as Betsy Ross. It will be an evening of food and fun for all seniors 55+. Hope to see you there!
St. Clare Altar Sodality invites all women of the parish to join us for “Meeting, Muffins and Mass”.
Come to the meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 17 in the fellowship hall and stay for Mass at Noon. We will be finalizing plans for our Spring Raffle fundraiser. Please turn in your restaurant gift card and/or cash donation to be used toward raffle prizes. Also, Annual dues of $10 will be collected if you haven't already paid. Hope to see you there!
Baptism Class - Sunday, March 16 at 1:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 3 and Church
This class is for parents that plan to have their child baptized at St. Clare and have not attended a previous class. Please call the parish office to register for the class and and information on scheduling a Baptism.
St. Clare Parish is partnering with other local churches to ensure area children are not hungry on the weekend. Each week, eligible children at area schools are provided a bag of take-home food items to guarantee they have something to eat over the weekend. How can you help? Use your FOR THOSE WHO NEED OUR HELP monthly envelope or donate ONLINE HERE.
St. Vincent de Paul Night-Time Drop-In Center for the Homeless continues to operate at full capacity every night, providing shelter and helping homeless men, women and children survive the dangers of the city streets. In addition, Cosgrove’s Kitchen serves an ever growing number of hungry people each day. We humbly as for your prayers for our staff and clients and if you are able, to once again provide any of these much needed items:
Paper plates and 12 ounce cups, individually packaged cookies, fruit cups, tuna and chicken snack packs, chips, crackers, cheese sticks, yogurt cups, cereal, Pop Tarts, breakfast bars, soup or pasta in a cup, bottled water and other individual serve drinks. In addition, laundry detergent pods, paper towels, toilet paper and tissues are always in short supply.
Bring items to St. Clare Church. Thank you for your continued support.
Do you sense that something’s missing in your life? Are you wondering if you might be spending your time on the wrong things? Is there a way to be happier and more fulfilled? Do you want to get to know other parishioners and feel a part of your parish community? Come to the next Welcome Weekend!
This retreat experience might help you discover what’s missing in your life through shared stories, listening and laughter. This is a weekend to enjoy the fellowship of other St. Clare parishioners, great food and fun, all while developing lasting and meaningful relationships and refocusing on what is most important in life.
Go to for more info & to register!
One of the important ministries of any parish is that of taking Communion to those who are homebound, hospitalized or in a long term care or rehab facility. Due to privacy policies, we are unable to obtain names of patients from those facilities. If we are not notified by our parishioner or their family, we are often times unaware of a parishioner’s illness and needs.
Please call our parish office if you or a family member will be unable to attend Mass for any length of time and would like a visit. A Deacon or a member of our Healing and Homebound Ministry would be happy to bring the Eucharist to you or your loved one.
Eucharistic Adoration
11:40am Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3 Benediction
Sign-Up sheets are on the table in the Gathering Space, or sign up for 30 minute increments online at
Have questions? Ready to dive in? It doesn't matter where you are. The path into the Catholic Church is a process of discernment and conversion. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.